June 5th Events

June 5, 2019: John Morgan Auditorium Class of '62

3:30 pm

Introductory Remarks

John A. Detre, M.D.

Dawn Bonnell, Ph.D., Vice Provost for Research

Jonathan Epstein, M.D., Executive Vice Dean for Research PSOM

John Dani, Ph.D, Director, Mahoney Institute for Neurosciences

4:00 pm

"The Future of Brain Science at Penn" (Panel Discussion)

Emily Falk, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Annenberg

Konrad Kording, Ph.D., Professor of Neuroscience and Bioengineering

Michael Platt, Ph.D, James S. Riepe Professor of Marketing, Neuroscience and Psychology

Yvette Sheline, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Psychiatry

5:00 pm

Ribbon Cutting and Reception in the Richards and Goddard Labs and James G. Kaskey Park

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